MOUNTAIN BIKING: East Everglades Levee Trail



This is probably the most beautiful trail in south Florida. You will see more wildlife that any other trail in Florida. You will see alligators, many types of birds, snakes, and turtles; you may see deer, bear, and occasional riders. The trail runs over the tops of the levees that control the water flow of the Everglades. And while the top-of-levee trail is flat, sandy and rocky, they are many cutting on and off the main trail. <br />
The trails are maintained by South Florida Water Management and are entirely within County and National parks. There are several trailhead entrances in Everglades Holiday Park, along Krome Avenue, and Tamiami Trail (US41). The trail traverses many Everglades habitats and the Tamiami segment and the Everglades Holiday Park trailheads have camping facilities. There are also many drops and rocky areas along the trail for technical riders. The trail can be done as a 68 mile loop or in segments. There are many bypasses that will be included on a map to be produced later but be careful, get a map of the levee or study Google Earth many of the side levee do not cross canals and you my take a ten mile short cut and find that you must either go back or swim with the gators and snapping turtles to go across. All canals are too deep to ford on bike.<br />
There is water all around you but it must be purified. Potable water is available on the Everglades Holiday Park Trailheads and Tamiami segment at the camp. The trail is most comfortable to ride from December thru April (temps in the 70-80 degree range). Summer is demanding for the rain, high temps in the 90s and bugs. The trail is challenging all year round for technical and advanced riders. Any of the accessible segments can be done in a few hours.<br />


Trailhead start is the levee gate at the extreme west end of Florida <br /><br />Everglades Holiday Park. Trailhead endt is the levee gate at the southeast end of Florida Everglades Holiday Park. A map will be posted in the future. <br /><br /><br /><br />To get to the park, coming from the north or the south, take I-95 or the Florida Turnpike to I-595 west. Head west on I-595 to I-75 south. Continue south on I-75 to Griffin Road west (exit 13B). Head west on Griffin Road until it crosses over Route 27. This is where Griffin Road dead ends at the entrance to Everglades Holiday Park!<br /><br /><br /><br />If you are coming from the north, you might consider using the Sawgrass Expressway (869) to drive south instead of I-95 or the Turnpike. Since the Sawgrass is farther west, you will head directly into I-75 and therefore take a more direct route to the park. <br /><br /><br /><br />For a map use this link:<br /><br />$81Vz$9D$82Vz94!E04!80!2$FF$100$32$31$39$34$30.Bsjiijo.Su!6$FF$0F0Igsy.Nmvupsumnp20IN50!4$33$32!A$FF0!E$FF$0A$3F$40$10$83$0F$3A$40v$f***$1CY$C060001000!8$FF000!2$FF0000!2$FF$14000!6$FF!G010&rfrr=-6600